Success stories

Some words from our clients –
A selection of heartfelt reflections and testimonials
Real people, real impact

On this page, we present a selection of heartfelt reflections and testimonials from a diverse group of individuals,
who have experienced the profound impact of KFH’s advice and coaching. These testimonials represent only a fraction of the remarkable feedback we receive from our valued clients around the world.
While we have many more stories to share,
we’ve carefully chosen these testimonials to showcase the diverse ways in which KFH’s wisdom has touched lives and led to authentic growth. We are immensely grateful to all our clients for sharing their journeys with us.

Anke & David – Australia: “Every day we think about, full of gratitude, how well we are prepared thanks to our time with you and everything that we have learned from you.”

Peri – USA: “As a senior consultant and executive coach for many years, the one thing I know is that in order for me to be helpful to the CEO’s, senior teams, and organizations with which I work, I need to live on the very edge of my perception, insight, and skill set.   The more refined and effective I am, the more crucial it is to have a coach of my own who can assist me when I find myself stuck or unable to see clearly how to assist my clients.  Although I originally found Klaus as a person to help me with my horses, it only took me about 24 hours to realize that his wisdom and expertise with horses was directly rooted to the same wisdom that allows any leader to be effective.  For the last 5 years, he has been the one person I know I can turn to when I need clear, very accurate and effective advice – and virtually all my calls to him are relative to my business needs as I have become very good at working with my horses.  And he is very expensive and worth every penny.”

Marissa, Denmark: “I’m writing to you because I often think about the only week where I did The Entrance Week. That was a wonderful week and the best birthday present I could give myself. I want to thank you again, diversity, and your very good employees.
I have never met anyone who is so wise in so many aspects of life.
I often wish I could go back and experience it all again. It probably won’t be this year, but maybe next. Who knows.”

Tereza, Czech: “It has been over a year our paths have crossed in Denmark. It was a profound journey and it has shaped my life and the life of my family in many ways.
I will never forget this moment, because I knew Klaus was the only one who could help us and with that also help Kryštof.
I would like to say that I am very grateful for everything I have learned and I will be very happy to come back.”

S. Singapore: “I’d just like to say that even if I may not feedback often, this is definitely helpful, these are both relevant and active topics in my personal life. In fact, within the first ten minutes of I was moved to tears because I felt a longing was finally acknowledged and brought to fore, just like the first time I came across Klaus talking about life and it made me fly out to Denmark.”

Paul, Norway: Every day I find a new piece to the puzzle and I’m confident that I’m on the Path. I feel different, and I act different. At work I have changed as a leader. It is not a revolution, but it is the small things where I more often open the latent conflicts, confronting people more to reveal the underlying causes to issues, but always without judging anyone and with the aim of getting back to calmness afterwards. It seems to work well.

A. USA:I am so excited, I don’t even know if my words are doing justice to what I want to convey. But I’m just grateful to have this moment today, because this day has changed my life forever.”

Corinna, Italy: “I am just finishing to read the book ‘What Horses Reveal’ and nearly every page ‘reveals ‘ something that I know is completely true! In the mean time we are working with our horses in according to what Klaus told me by phone: everything was so right but...reflecting ourself so deeply that even a little step looks like moving a mountain in our being!….especially in my soul.”

Corinna, Italy: We attended your seminar in Kumlegaarden last 9-11 June and we were very impressed: many things were working very deeply inside!

Karen, Canada: September was an incredibly inspiring journey with so many openings and aspects to explore. I really feel as if a veil is lifting and I see and experience the world with completely new eyes. Life and interest are really back again. Fabulous. Thank you for sharing your life, Klaus.

Lea, India: I am back in India and we are trying out all what I learned in the workshop in Oostende. We just got 2 new “Mehawari-horses” who were very nervose, and after 1 week of work they are very calm, everybody is astonished. I want to thank you for that you give a part of your life to help people and horses.

Vera, Mexico: A meeting with reality. A reevaluation of what it is to be human. A revival of the soul. A gateway to my authentic self. These significant teachings I can already take for the rest of my life and are having a profund transformation on how I experience myself and others. Starting my journey in the One Full Year Schooling with Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling.

Magrit, France: Having found my (inner) home, strengh and freedom again, thanks to the wonderful key-experiences with Klaus within the group, I gave room to take over leadership and have been achieving to restructure my life completely. I feel totally safe, strong and very connected and with the very beautyful side effect, that I’ve been contaminating my environement with this energy.

Lee, Canada: “Klaus, I feel at a loss for words (unusual for me!) to express how deeply the experience of encountering you, has affected me.  I know at every moment that I am a being of energy, in touch with the magic of existence.”

Hansi, Norway:I have been going trough all that he talked about, and it has been very important and very helpful.  As always I am extremely grateful for his advices, and life has been much more joyful and much nicer after the one week of CS 2.  Everything here – with family, animals and farm & job, is good.  My wife is getting much stronger and more healthy, and both she and the girls are very happy now, and of course so am I.”

Karen, New-Zealand: “Your work is creative, thought-provoking and inspiring. You are also inspirational as probably one of a select few unique individuals who came to horses late, with a completely different understanding, and who have offered so much to those that have been around horses most of our lives. Your glasses are clear, whereas sometimes (through training and not intuition) ours are foggy!”

Sevil, Turkey: You have caused a huge difference in one days’ time and also opened up a new insight for me. I appreciate every step you share with us. Thanks again for a wonderful experience.

Susanne, Austria: “Months were of the same kind for me. Everything was quiet and clear from one moment to the next, and obviously so. This allows one, in my case, to completely let go and surrender to what is. In my personal life, a very harmonious, stable, and deep relationship between my partner Dan and me has continued and evolved, for which I am very grateful. I thank you and all of you for the clarity you bring into the world, and for bringing light to those who open themselves up and let go. Thank you.” Susanne – Austria

Gabriela, Portugal: “Thora from Portugal, my daughter, was with you and returned here to the village of Tastrup near Flensburg, where our family comes from, with shining eyes last night. That’s why I’m writing to you. The shining eyes of my daughter. Thank you, Klaus, and a light kiss, I wish you health and peace, as well as to those who work with you.” Gabriela – Portugal

Louise, UK: It seems this man is a real master on all levels—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. As a Chiropractor for Horses and Humans I deal with all of this when treating my patients. Thank you Klaus for your magic, your love, your passion all shared for the betterment of horses.

Jeanette, UK: The experience of doing the courses (even though I’ve only been to the two short ones) is something that I carry around with me all the time.  All the time. I won’t bore you with my little details, but really it is something so, so precious to me.

Jeff, Canada: I am astonished, and humbled, at the extent of what I am learning. I really didn’t understand or know how much was going to be learned, and I know we are just getting started. During the evening discussions you had with all of us, I understood more of the state of awareness you live in.  That furthered the lessons of the day, as the interwoven nature of so many things became even stronger. …And so, we journey on.  I look forward to joining you and the others on the island in short weeks. Thank you for the enormity of what I am learning.

Ellen, Sweden: Thank you for showing me how a teacher can and should be. I came home after the workshop in Stockholm with a new sense of my own responsibilities, for finding the dream side of every aspect of the reality I live in. With hope for the future and the remaining days of the schooling,

Isabelle, France: Now, the right feeling is “I see”. This way has also brought about a lot in my personal life, in human relationship.

Jo, Chile: My thanks explicitly are: for opening my eyes to hidden aspects of myself, on which I have to work on; for the course; for advice me; and for all the care expressed in the school house.
I arrived last week to my country and since this Monday I’m already at my place, surrounded by the river, mountains and affection. Thanks.

Rosanna, Chile: In truth, it has been a very special opportunity and experience [to participate in the online seminar]… A whole gift to the soul.”

“This online seminar represents some steps of the road that marks my destiny; a preparation.”

I do enjoyed the series. It was a great opportunity for personal development in front of horses, as Klaus said yesterday.

Destiny crossed our paths, and so many others unexpected paths like yours and Klaus’s. I am very happy about this.

It is a bomb like somebody said yesterday, but to allow renovation and personal development.

Adri, Deia and Mika, Africa: I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to you and your work.
I am so utterly grateful that you have expressed your humanness to this extent. Your wisdom is so well received and know that from far away we are treasuring your spirit.

Lisa, Finnland: Thank you again, and please could you tell Klaus how grateful and amazed I am for all the visits to Klaus and a humble thank you for him taking the time to come and visit me. I wish you all the best. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!

Martina, Argentina: I would also like to thank you all for an amazing CSI, you did it perfect and I’m still harvesting the fruits from that time, thank you so much Klaus.
I am  deeply moved to share my immense gratitude for your work. It is brilliant and in alignment with the highest Truth, my heart and being is filled with gratitude beyond words.

– thank you for all you offer this world on so many levels, thank you for your clarity, perseverance, strength, conviction and courage. You are a Light.

I have been living with everything I could get from Lyø since June and it’s so challenging and exiting.
I have been trying to find myself, now knowing that everything I am is already there I have just to allow it… I am changing I can feel it and it is nice.
I do the exercises almost everyday, can´t live with out now! Every time I go through the exercise I end with a smile in my face, happy and a get goosebumps. This experience is getting somehow more and more intense and I can hold it for a wile. It is SO AMAZING! … I can feel such a amount of energy running in my body that I could jump.
I miss so much Lyø and listening to Klaus for hours without stop I can’t believe that he could keep my attention for so long without getting my brain tired! Great school of life at the end opening a new door to what I have been looking for, something I could not put a finger on before, but now appears so obvious.

Coach & consultant in personal relations, business and society and one of the most renowned horse-experts of the world