More about the KFH horse work:

Klaus once said about himself and his work:

“In the eyes of our ancestors, certain qualities of life are not divisible,

for example: happiness, trust, life-success, authenticity, clarity, joy, connectedness, life-purpose and meaning. All this should always cover one’s entire person and life. Only against this background, my work as coach and consultant and my being with horses can be fully recognised.

Since decades I work as life-coach and management-consultant

also and beneficially against my broad background of authentic experience with horses and their true nature.

But I’m not a horseman, not a rider in the common sense,

though I first became known concerning my special being with and teaching about horses, based on inner strength, body-language, immediate bonding and 100% non-violence.

04. website renovation - 14-11-2015 - the teacher

Basically, the questions of authentic human culture

have driven me during my life and finally, historically and energetically motivated, also to the horses. And the peaceful and highly sensitive contact with horses then only brought me ever closer to the fundamental questions of human beings and their way of life.

In my daily practice, sometimes the emphasis is more on the teaching of being authentically with horses

and sometimes more or exclusively on the general understanding of how to live as a grounded and adult person, who clearly has his genuine purpose and life-goal in mind – concerning personal, societal or business issues.” KFH

How does Klaus see and experience

his relation to life and horses and his general work as coach and consultant?

Here below you may find further short information about Klaus’s work and being, accompanied by telling images and clips.
lease enjoy.

1. The pioneer, the explorer, who lives and shares the wisdom of ancient cultures, nature and fate

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Klaus is a role model worldwide in the horse-world, regarding a novel, revolutionary being with horses, a revival and further development of ancient and forgotten principles which he successfully transfers to all questions of life as a worldwide acting coach and consultant.

The way of dealing with horses by Klaus, also as a symbol for life in general, shows unique innovations and advancements. The following clip shows some of them ( 1.300.000 views)

2. Personal strength, awareness and identification

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The heart of Klaus’ work is focused towards the mental, social and physical presence and development of the human being – to enhance his general personal awareness and identification.

Also his worldwide successes as a book author, in association with his unique horse experiences and communications serve him as a basic background for his general teaching and coaching, as well as his decades-long studies of ancient traditions of originally living tribes and cultures.

The astonishing handling of stallions

3. “Replace the word horse with life.”

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Klaus says: “Bring just a horse to me, that rejects everything and fight with everybody, and I will show and prove to you in minutes, that it is not the horse, but that it is your way of action and life, that makes the horse appear the way it does. And now replace the word horse with life, then you may imagine, what I do as a coach and consultant and why I am doing it.”


Instant behavior correction

4. The New Dimension

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5. The power of inner awareness and charisma

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6. Success through inner and outer balance

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7. In focus: the holistic success, related to all decisive aspects of life

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8. The book that went around the world

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9. Trust, harmony and connection – happy, strong and expressive appearance of the free horse

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10. A true school of life

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11. Immediate mutual and deep understanding – Immediate behavior correction

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12. True collection and balance on a loose rein

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13. Unique feature: collecting and strengthening horses in plain freedom

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14. Generally important: The long-term and responsible foundation

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15. The very highest form of personal development, self-mastery and initiation

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Coach & consultant in personal relations, business and society and one of the most renowned horse-experts of the world