Now available in English:
The Message from The Horse
Every human enters this life and begins a journey. The path traveled is unique to each individual, and for some, the main streets and popular thoroughfares provide all that’s needed to nourish a life well lived—food, fuel, friendship, family. For others, though, there is a desire—in fact, a need—for something more.
In the form of a wandering, lyrical, autobiographical narrative, world-renowned horseman Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling exposes the inner turmoil, the burning questions, the fear, the doubt, and the darkness that pushed him off the roads most traveled in search of answers. In search of meaning. As he reflects on cultures past and his present surroundings, his words linger on visual, sensual, and inspirational clues, bringing his personal experiences alive on the page in emotional detail. His thoughts string together like clicking beads, brilliantly illustrating the passage of time and the interconnectivity of all beings. And ultimately, Hempfling comes to a truth, which for him brings heaven and earth into sharp focus. It is the horses that show him the way.
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Available languages: German, English (America), English (Europe, Australia & Africa), Dutch, Swedish and Czech
Dancing with Horses
Available languages: English (America), Spanish, German, Dutch, French, Japanese, Swedish, Danish, Russian and Czech
Advising that even the slightest movement by either horse or human conveys powerful information, the author shows how to use body language to communicate with the horse. He asserts that if effective communication is established, a horse will retain all of its natural grace and elegance when ridden. Hempfling’s methods are based on conventional classic horsemanship, yet are infused with refreshing holistic and spiritual principles all conveyed in an accessible text and over 400 color photos.
What Horses Reveal
Available languages: English (America), English, Spanish, German, Dutch, French, Swedish, Danish and Czech
In order to gain a greater understanding of every horse, Klaus describes in detail, and explains how to apply his unique system for recognizing horses. All horses, no matter what their breed or type, will fit into his clearly defined 26 character groups.
The Horse Seeks Me
Available languages: English (America), German, Dutch, French and Czech
Klaus Ferdina
‘The Horse Seeks Me’ is also available as e-book (English).
Frau und Pferd
Available languages: German
Die Botschaft der Pferde
Available languages: German, English (America), English (Europe, Australia & Africa), Dutch, Swedish and Czech
Coming Together (DVD)
Available languages: German and English (America)
Use Body Language to Establish Leadership, Friendship, and Trust
Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling explains the intricate body language of the horse in this video and DVD. Hempfling demonstrates how his intense level of body awareness helps him establish a connection and method of communication with horses.
Duration: 50 min.
German: Videocassette Die Erste Begegnung
Dancing with Horses (DVD)
Available languages: German and English (America)
For master horse trainer Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling, work with horses is comparable to dancing. The primary obligation of riding, he explains, is to maintain the horse’s own natural, powerful, and elegant movement under saddle. Improper training compromises the horse’s naturally joyful steps with confusing commands; a horse will move with extraordinary grace if only the request is effectively communicated.
In this DVD, Hempfling teaches us the language of horses. Advising that even the slightest movement conveys powerful information, Hempfling shows how to use body language to communicate. He makes clear that when the trainer uses language the horse can understand, the horse’s movement “will always be beautiful, from the first lesson on.”
Duration: 50 min.